An extremely thin YouTube star disappeared from the internet, but people with eating disorders are still getting 'thinspiration' from her videos (2024)

EDITOR'S NOTE: The content and images in this story could be triggering or disturbing to some readers.

On February 10, a YouTuber named Eugenia Cooney disappeared from social media and hasn't returned.

"Hi guys! I appreciate the concern. I'm taking a break from social media and voluntarily working on this with my doctor privately. Please respect that," she wrote on Twitter.

Cooney's self-titled YouTube channel, which has 1.5 million subscribers, has also gone silent.


The 24-year-old creator has been growing her following since 2011 by uploading videos of her daily routines, outfits, and makeup.

However, while she built up a loyal fanbase, one of the main reasons she received attention was because of how extremely thin she is.

—Eugenia Cooney (@Eugenia_Cooney) February 10, 2019

Over the years, fans and casual watchers alike have pointed out how she looks, and theories about her have ranged from her having anorexia to being diagnosed with a terminal disease.

Read more: I've had an eating disorder for almost a decade — here's the one thing that helps me


In late January, Cooney posted a video titled "Kingdom Hearts Kairi Cosplay Transformation and Makeup Tutorial" where she showed off a new costume. But all viewers could focus on was her skeletal appearance and the shocking realization that she had lost even more weight.

Underneath the video are over 80,000 comments. Some are pleading with her to get the help she needs before it's "too late." Many are toxic, bullying, and hateful.

"This should not be humanly possible I hope to god that you fully recover please I don't think I can handle any more of this," one person wrote.

One comment simply says: "This is like watching someone die on camera."


Cooney did not respond to INSIDER for this article.

Cooney's health has gained the attention of several high-profile YouTubers, including Keemstar, Shane Dawson, and even the platform's biggest single creator, PewDiePie. The overarching opinion among creators and fans is that being off YouTube right now is the best thing for her because her online presence did not seem to be doing her any good.

Fueling the rumor mill

In the YouTube community, the spotlight can turn on you at any time, and you'll become the latest hot topic for hundreds of videos. Cooney received attention intermittently throughout her YouTube career, but the biggest flurry of negative responses came after her last upload.

Now when you type "Eugenia Cooney" into the YouTube search bar, videos come up of people speculating about Cooney's death, with titles like "Eugenia Cooney is going to die." Others claim to understand the root of her problems and blame her parents or her friends.


An extremely thin YouTube star disappeared from the internet, but people with eating disorders are still getting 'thinspiration' from her videos (1)

Ryan Brown, a YouTuber who uploads to a channel called CrimsonStudios, said he was concerned when this happened because most of the creators making videos about Cooney had no personal experience with eating disorders yet were guessing about her circ*mstances.

He said he thought the misinformation and unconfirmed theories could be damaging to anyone watching them, not just Cooney.

"None of the people who made videos on her had any idea of what she could be going through, which is what bugged me," he said. "I think if she saw those it would only make whatever her problem was worse, because they were all speculating on no experience or knowledge on the subject."

The pro-anorexia community

Brown tackled an eating disorder himself for about two years. He said that at its worst, he weighed about 80 pounds, ate 400 calories a day, and never sat down, but he was in so much denial that he didn't think his obsessions were a sign of anything wrong. Rather, he thought he was hitting his fitness goals.

"People told me when I was a really low weight that I looked bad, but it didn't matter to me because in order to want to get better, you have to want it yourself," he said. "You can read all the comments that are telling you to get help and all that stuff, but it all just goes in one ear and out the other."

Read more: A woman with severe anorexia was given weeks to live, but she documented her incredible recovery on Instagram

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Aroosha Nekonam, a personal trainer at Ultimate Performance, also tackled an eating disorder for about seven years.

"I had a lot going on for me emotionally. I wasn't dealing with it very well. I was suppressing it. Things were getting on top of me. And I just crumbled," she told INSIDER. "I shot into a place of depression. I had anxiety. I became very alone. And I think the reason I did that was that I thought that's what I deserved to be like. I deserved to be alone."


At their heart, eating disorders are a coping skill, said Kati Morton, a YouTuber and therapist who wrote the book "Are U Ok?" She told INSIDER they're often a way for people to feel as if they have some control over what's going on in their lives, especially if they are under a lot of stress or experiencing a great deal of change.

"At the end of the day, if we take everything away from someone, all they can control is their body," Morton said. "It comes out as saying, 'I don't have any ability to help myself other than to control myself, so I'm just going to control what I do.'"

YOU are NOT your disorder. • • You are a human being like any other, one that deserves to be happy and healthy like any other, but you have just gotten a little lost along the way. All mental illness, eating disorders especially are a battle with yourself. A fight against your darker side , the side that whispers to you , that you are unworthy, you are weak, you are undeserving of anything good that comes your way. • Please don’t listen to those voices that beat you down. Don’t let them control you, or stop you from looking after yourself and respecting yourself. • I know it’s easy to just say choose recovery , but I mean it from my very soul that you have a choice here. You have more control than you realise, you just need a bit of support. • I didn’t go through my anorexia alone. Neither should you. Don’t be ashamed to get help , let someone provide you with the tools to fight back.👊🏻 • Every time you talk about your disorder you have already won a battle. Everytime you choose to try just a little bit harder to have a positive day and accept that negative ones are part of the process, you have won a battle. Everytime you smile in the face of your disorder , you have won yet another battle. • • Let’s win your life back together ❤️💪🏼 #neda #neda2019 #nationaleatingdisordersawarenessweek #nationaleatingdisordersawareness #ed #edsurvivor #recovery #mentalillness #health #happiness

A post shared by Aroosha Nekonam (@arooshanekonam) on Feb 25, 2019 at 12:29am PST

Eating disorders also tend to also be competitive, Morton said, meaning you are always comparing yourself with others — which helps explain the existence of what have been dubbed "pro-ana communities," forums and websites where people seek out and share images or videos they use as "thinspiration" to lose even more weight.

But rather than vanity, these images fuel negative thoughts so that someone recognizes the pain, Morton said.


"They can be like, 'I'm not sick enough,' 'I don't deserve help,' 'I need to get thinner,' 'I need to lose more weight,' and 'I need to look worse than that in order for anyone to take me seriously,'" she said.

"It's like a silent scream ... They don't know the words to express how they're hurting, and if someone else is showing it more so, they'll feel like they need to scream louder."

She added that those who are vulnerable or in recovery need to be careful with the content they view. This includes influencers with millions of followers.

"Eating disorders are very difficult to overcome, and if we keep putting unhealthy images in front of us, we won't be able to see a way out," she said. "We don't want to give our eating disorder anything else to compete with."


Read more: A third of adults can't recognize common eating disorder symptoms — and it could prevent people from getting help

Nekonam said she found that social media was a double-edged sword during her recovery, because while she eventually found help through YouTube, there is so much out there that can make someone feel worse about themselves.

For instance, there are forums like MyProAna where people with eating disorders often go to find someone to talk to.

Then there are blogs like Pro Ana Goddess, which has ground rules like "If you aren't thin you aren't attractive," "Being thin is more important than being healthy," and "You must buy clothes, cut your hair, take laxatives, starve yourself, do anything to make yourself look thinner."


"It will push them more towards an eating disorder, and that's the side of it I don't like," Nekonam said.

The 'Eugenia Cooney effect'

While Cooney's videos never promoted anorexia, they fell into a gray area where they could still be used by people who wanted to look like her.

In a new video, Brown described how she could be used as a symbol for pro-ana communities as "thinspiration" as the "Eugenia Cooney effect."

"Now, having over 1.5 million subscribers, you could say Eugenia had a little bit of influence," he said, adding: "For years, Eugenia, while never actually promoting any ideas of pro-anorexia or thinspiration, whether she knew it or not, she was being used as a symbol for communities like these — someone with influence to show that, hey, maybe this look is for me."

In 2016, over 20,000 people signed a petition to have Cooney barred from YouTube, claiming she had "a serious medical condition and needs to seek help." But it was deleted for violating community guidelines.


"She knows that she's influencing young teenage girls into thinking being 60 lbs. is normal," Lynn Cloud, the campaigner behind the petition, wrote on the page, according to Attn. "It's most definitely not. Ever since she has moved out of her mother's house recently, she has been getting skinnier and skinnier. This clearly isn't a 'high metabolism' or any other type of losing body weight uncontrollably condition."

Cooney publicly spoke about eating disorders only once or twice. In one Q&A in February 2018, for example, she said that if people aren't talking about their body or saying they have a problem, they shouldn't share negative comments.

"I just don't really think that's, like, helpful towards people at all," she said. "And I just kind of wish that, like, you know, people wouldn't, like, put people down so much for those kind of things."

She also addressed the petition in a video titled "I'm Sorry" shortly after it came out.


"Some people are saying I'm, like, a bad influence on girls," she said. "I just want you guys to know, like, I've seriously never have tried to be a bad influence on YouTube or to influence anyone badly. I would never want to do that."

She added: "I have never told anyone to try to, like, lose weight or to try to, like, change the way they look or to look like me."

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—hannah (@aulbach_hannah) July 30, 2018

But determining what is or isn't potentially harmful to viewers isn't Cooney's, or any other creator's, responsibility — it's YouTube's.

Searching for "thinspiration" or "day in the life of an anorexia" on the platform last month brought up several of her videos, including "A Day In The Life of Eugenia Cooney" and "My Morning Routine." Whether this is because Cooney put those tags in or whether it was a result of the kind of comments she was receiving on the videos is unclear.


INSIDER reached out to a YouTube representative after discovering the videos under these search terms in April. The videos no longer appear under these search terms.

Read more: Instagram posts encouraging eating disorders are 'spiraling out of control,' psychiatrists warn

YouTube did not comment on the record about Cooney's content or why her account was not removed. But according to the platform, judgments on whether a video violates its policies won't be made on someone's appearance alone.

The site's community guidelines say that content is removed if it poses a safety risk. But as YouTube doesn't have access to anyone's medical information, it is not in a position to act on comments and hearsay about whether a person is healthy.


YouTube has made an effort in the past to remove content that it deems to glorify or promote eating disorders, like videos including "thinspo" or "pro-ana" messages. The only obvious "pro-ana" content that remains on the platform are playlists of songs containing images of thin models and celebrities.

But if Cooney hadn't decided to seek help, she might have remained on the platform indefinitely, however damaging her image could be to both herself and her subscribers. And if Cooney could stay on YouTube, people with serious eating disorders could thrive there too.

An extremely thin YouTube star disappeared from the internet, but people with eating disorders are still getting 'thinspiration' from her videos (2)

Eugenia Cooney / YouTube

Cooney still has fans

Cooney still has many fans on pro-ana message boards, according to one who wanted to remain anonymous.

People are "saying they want to be skinny like her," the fan told INSIDER. "She has a lot of fans on MyProAna. Plenty of girls say they want to look like her there."


—chronic ❁ (@skinnylove31) June 22, 2017

On one thread, for example, a fan asked about Cooney's body mass index, or BMI.

"She's sorta what I'd like to look like so I want to get an idea of whether that would be attainable for me," they wrote.

"She's really beautiful and I want her body," another said.

Other posters said they felt conflicted — on the one hand, wanting her to get help, but on the other, envying her.


"I think she's so triggering but there's some days where she's my goals and thinspo and other days where I think she looks way too skinny," one post reads. "I think it depends on if I feel fat or not that day."

However, the Cooney fan told INSIDER that if it weren't for her latest video, she might never have taken a break or sought help.

"I know YouTube and Instagram had to know something about her," they said. But "if they pulled Eugenia for promoting anorexia, who else would they pull next?"

'Tough love' won't help

It's been estimated that up to 70 million people globally have an eating disorder. But as it's so closely linked with shame, it can be a long time before someone says they need help. Brown said that having more conversations about eating disorders and their impact is one way to help more people feel comfortable opening up if they're struggling.


"I think the biggest problem with things like this, because mental health is such a 'touchy' subject, that people are just afraid to talk about it because they'll get lashed at over it," Brown said. "They'll be told they can't understand it, or whatever, and that makes it impossible to help anyone with it. If no one talks about it, no one can even try to understand it."

He added that if Cooney ever decided to be open about her health, the majority of the YouTube community would get behind her and be supportive.

Morton said the worst thing you can do for someone who is struggling is to try to shame them into getting help. Saying things like "You're wasting away" or "You look like skin and bones" isn't going to have any sort of positive effect on someone's mental health.

"If you think about it, it's still judgment, and nobody wants to be judged," she said. "They're already feeling terrible. So consider that before you say something. That's why I say the best way to help someone with any mental illness really is to check in, talk to them, and don't judge. Just be there to help."


—ruby ☠️🌹 (@dwoke2) May 12, 2019

If someone in the public eye has an eating disorder, the thousands of negative comments coming their way probably won't help. They're more likely to push the person further down the online rabbit hole as they seek people who understand what they're going through.

On Cooney's videos, people are still posting comments. Some are fueling rumors that she has died.

But there are also messages of hope from fans saying how grateful they are that she decided to help herself.

"You can overcome this Eugenia. Please don't give up," one person said. "You are a beautiful, kind girl who many people care about and love, please love yourself. Take care of yourself please."


Nekonam said it's hard for those closest to people with eating disorders to stick around because it can take some time before someone decides to get better, and relapses are common.

"Sometimes people just aren't ready, and they need to go through it and get to that place to be ready," she said. "They need to have a bit more patience with themselves and also realize it doesn't happen in a day."

If it's true that Cooney is getting help for an eating disorder, it's likely to be a long time before she returns, if she returns at all. And if she did get better, Brown said, the good and bad comments alike she would receive could be too much to handle.

"It only makes it worse for a person and makes them want to keep doing it more because it feeds their need for control," he said. "So even if she looks better, I think unless she's in a really mentally stable place, she shouldn't come back."


If you or someone you love has an eating disorder, whether it has been triggered by a restrictive diet or not, call the National Eating Disorders Association hotline at 1-800-931-2237.

An extremely thin YouTube star disappeared from the internet, but people with eating disorders are still getting 'thinspiration' from her videos (2024)


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